28 Nov 2010


Autumns leaves rained down gracelessly.
The trees had grown tired and gave up the fight.
They had held on to the leaves for so long but now it's time to let them go.

Red, orange, yellow, I sat watching them silently.
They looked almost golden under the sunlight and
All bore different characteristics telling different stories of which I was curious to know.

The first was fierce, a warrior perhaps.
Blood stains on his face, his grey past hovering like shadows behind him.
Jagged and rough edges, told of his life.

The dying widow.
Her cancer had spread beyond control, she was incomplete.
All she can do is smile, that made her appear golden, that made her feel happy.

A vivacious teenage boy.
Bright and spotless. His whole life ahead of him:
Long and promising.

I sat there entranced by the surrealty of autums's chaotic beauty.
The stripping naked of trees.
The chasing away of flowers.

The wind is her ally, the night time her friend.
But she doesn't stay for long because
sooner than later, the time will come for autumn to depart and give way to winter.

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