11 Oct 2011

ELI is finally herreeee.

ELI finally came out. I was very excited especially because my mama bought me the album from notjustok.com so I didn't feel left out ^_^
I really liked the album because it was really personal to Iceprince and also because Ive waited so long for it. The album launch concert was apparently crazy. Sad thing I could not be there live :( 
I have a lot of favorites: Wussup Wussup, See Myself, Magician, End of Story and Thank You.
My TOP favorite is Olofofo however and I would like to share it with you guys; its been on replay form 3 days now. Wizkid's bit is beautiful and Jesse Jagz killed the end with those chords. Enjoy:

Olofofo - Iceprince ft Wizkid

PS. You can buy the album on both iTunes and notjustok.com. If you're are in Nigeria, buy it in traffic lol!!


Jasmine Mbadugha said...

I am always late to hear good music :(

Mercedes Onyemenam said...

LOL. Do you like it though?